A Game Plan for August, The Toughest Month in My Garden

Like many gardeners, I’m happiest during spring and fall, when the weather is pleasant and I can spend entire days doing what I love best: messing around with plants. You would assume that the dead of winter – January – would be the worst month to be a gardener. This isn’t true. When January arrivesContinue reading “A Game Plan for August, The Toughest Month in My Garden”

Gardening is a Journey (A Lesson in Patience)

Having now gardened in three states — Kansas, Georgia, and Alabama, I’ve come to this conclusion: You don’t really know anything about a new garden space until you’ve been digging and planting and sweating and killing plants for at least three seasons. Maybe longer. The act of growing things on any parcel of land will,Continue reading “Gardening is a Journey (A Lesson in Patience)”